Who else is getting impatient to meet their little one(s)

ray • 💙 💓 💓

I seriously am getting so excited to meet my little angel.(I'm 29 weeks) My pregnancy has been really hard and a struggle for me mentally, and physically. I can't wait to meet this little beautiful human. I am truly blessed he saved my life. I've struggle with depression for years, and before I found out I was pregnant, I was hitting a new low, a low I've never had experience before. I've had morning sickness all through this pregnancy I'm on nausea pills, I'm finally starting to gain weight, I still hardly am showing, but he is healthy. I would do it over for him again and again. I'll take all the pain that has come with it. We've had some complications, but a healthy baby is worth it all. 💕

Feel free to share little angels in the comments, and feel free to express your pregnancy in the comments. I love seeing ultrasound pictures, and I want to hear all your others stories. Here's my little man.

SIDE NOTE: please keep the comments a safe place, not everyone has an easy pregnancy, and I want people to able to express their fears and everything that they are going through.

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