People are so hurtful sometimes 😔 * Venting *


So a lady at work today told me that I’m not a mother because I lost my baby at 9 weeks. I don’t know what everyone’s views are and I’m not here to fight about it either but I still think of myself as a mother. Some women are lucky enough to have their babies and be a mom, others like me aren’t. Even though my baby died I’m still a mother, I still loved my baby and I always will even though they can’t be here with me. She said it was because my baby was never really a baby. My baby had a beautiful little heart beat that fluttered on the ultrasound screen, it brought tears to my husband and I. Some women get their entire life with their babies to show them love and to be a mother, I got 9 weeks to show my baby all the love in the world. I got 9 weeks to love my baby and dream about my baby before having to say the most hardest goodbye in my life. I carry my babies heart with me everyday for the rest of my life. My baby left this world knowing nothing but unconditional love and for that I’m thankful. I am a mother without a baby..but I am a mother.