Halpppp 😬

Nikki • Trying for our rainbow baby after 2 miscarriages 🤞🏻🌈

Hey ladies I need some help. On the 14th I was 22 dpo I thought I was having a miscarriage because I was bleeding and cramping. They took my blood and my levels were 45. The nurse told me I was probably loosing the baby or not as far along as I thought. I bled Thursday-Saturday didn’t pass any clots but passed some tissue. I went to my OBGYN and she told me that my urine test was negative and that o probably lost the baby. She didn’t bother to do an ultrasound. I did ask for another blood test. They called me today and my levels are at 178! Still low, but going up. They want me back tomorrow 🙄

I just want some answers and maybe advice. If you have something snarky or rude to say keep it to yourself please.