Tender breast...

Courtney • First child beautiful son born 5/6/2015. Second son born 9/8/2016. Third son born 3/9/2018. Baby #4 heaven baby Sept 2018. Rainbow Twins due thanksgiving 2019!

Oh how I welcome thee. After a miscarriage in October it is a blessing to feel symptoms.

I am not new to being pregnant. I have 3 handsome boys. Our first was a long fertility struggle then the next babies were a breeze to conceive but my miscarriage was a shock. So new; with my job I am used to being the one holding your hand while the physician tells you that you are miscarrying. Getting you tissues for your eyes and pads to help clean up the bleeding mess. Talking you thru the process and what to expect. What will happen over the next few days and how you should return if “blah blah blah occur” but this time was different.

I knew when I took the test Sept 18th that something wasn’t right. That it wasn’t going to be a viable pregnancy. See I had just got off my period. Literally 3 days prior. I thought I was on CD7. I took an OPK that came up blazing positive but there was no way I would be ovulating so I took a hpt and it was positive. My period came on time, lasted normal number of days, and was even so heavy I was using ultra tampons (normal for me).

I was pregnant. After weeks of tests and ultrasounds.... numerous. It was discovered that I was miscarrying. Oct 1 (national miscarriage awareness month) I started to bleed for the miscarriage.

Here I am 4 weeks pregnant with our rainbow 🌈 baby and I am excited to wake up every morning and take a test to see it getting darker. To feel like someone has just squeezed my boobs off. Or the smell of my sons dirty diaper makes me want to puke...

I welcome all the pregnancy symptoms. These symptoms mean my hormones are rising which means we are heading in the right direction.