What’s your experience with big babies and or shoulder dystocia?

In need of some support and big baby birth stories right now. I’m 40+1 and wanted an intervention free birth for our first baby. I had a biophysical and growth scan today since I’m overdue. Baby scored 8/8 on the biophysical but has some fluid in his kidney. Baby measured weighing 10lb 4oz. OB said he wouldn’t do an induction for a vaginal delivery at all but I had the option to either go into labor on my own and try for a vaginal delivery or schedule a c section. Apparently the baby’s head and abdomen are off the charts and he’s concerned about tearing and shoulder dystocia. So basically my option is to try to wait it out and go into labor on my own or schedule a c section. I don’t know what to do. I want everyone healthy but I’m kind of devastated. He said if this wasn’t my first and we knew I could deliver a baby that big with no risk, he would be more comfortable with it but if it was his wife, he would opt for the c section. He went over tons of risks in trying for a vaginal delivery with a baby as big as what mine is measuring. I just don’t know what to do. I’m struggling with either choice and the risks involved with either a vaginal delivery or a c section.