Hyperemesis during first pregnancy..and now starting in second pregnancy!


During my first pregnancy it started at around 6 weeks full force! I didn't get out of bed for around 4 weeks. In and out of hospital, drips and medicine! Would help for few hours and then I would be back to being sick. I slept in the bathroom, was vomiting 24/7, was vomiting even if I had an ice lolly, sip of water etc. Or even if I ate or drank nothing! It was a nightmare. I hate it. Then at around 9weeks after trying 5 different medicine I found one that helped! I was on it till around 15weeks and I was having "normal" morning sickness, I could finally eat and drink!

Now over 3years on I'm pregnant! And 5w+5d and since yesterday I'm sick..not as bad but it's definitely starting! Worried about the past coming back but I did find few things that help! I bought them before I was pregnant on sale and only tried with this pregnancy :)