What do you do with 6 month old? I feel like a horrible mom

I feel like a horrible mother because I don’t do much with my 6 month old.

I read to him every night before bed, most of the time before nap time, and sometimes at random times during the day! I play peekaboo and try to make him laugh throughout the day. I play with him for a little bit with his toys during the day. But other than that I don’t do much. He plays on his activity mat, exersaucer and jolly jumper. I try my best to rotate him and not allow him to stay in each one for too long. He loves watching tv (especially baby Einstein) and it makes me feel super guilty that he watches tv, but his face lights up and he smiles every time he sees the intro to baby Einstein and I need time to make dinner and clean!

I want to do more sensory things with him, but I don’t know what at his age. I want to make sure he develops appropriately and is smart. I fear that I’m not doing all that I can.

So my question is what do you do in the day time with your 6 month old? Or babies in general? What do you do to try to make sure they’re developing appropriately. are there any good developmental activities/toys you recommend?