What happens now?

princess • 💗💗Saudi lady now loving my man & my life💓💓

I rarely ever post anything myself, but I'm freaking out. My boyfriend and I have been long distance friends for almost exactly 4 years and together over 2.5 years. We've only ever been physically together for 15 days. The past 2 years I have worked my butt off to get a Master's degree and a specialized certificate so I could move to where he lives...7300 miles away from where I live at home. In fact, I'm in Budapest Hungary, and I finally get the interview I wanted to be able to move near him. I accepted the position today, so, for the first time ever in 4 years, we will be living and working in the same continent, same kingdom, and the same city. What does he say when I ask him what it really means for us? "We will talk about the details when you are not concentrating on earning your certificate".

I love this man more than anything, but speaking about our future was already so abstract because of the immigration laws where he lives, but now it's an absolute reality. In about 4 months, I'll be closing what seemed like an insurmountable distance, and it really doesn't seem or feel real. I just keep questioning right now if everything I've done since we've been together has been worth it. We can't live together when I move because it's against the law where he lives, so what happens next is always on my mind.....and he won't talk about it!