Staring out with LDR

So this new man I’ve been talking to and taking things slow. Well he doesn’t live here. He’s visiting his family bc his gmaw is sick. We met online but we are from the same home town. He’s three years older. I’ve been on and off of the dating sites for years bc I just give up I guess. Well we crossed paths again online and it’s bc his location was set to his gmaw which is only one hour from me. Also the same town we grew up in and where my family is. My kids and I live alone but now far from family.

Well I just thought okay we can chat and be friends. He went to college and graduated then went to military. He’s a wounded warrior and lives in Colorado but graduates his masters in two months. So he’s also a songwriter and going billboard and signing in Nashville next week. So he will graduate from

Colorado and either move to Nash or maybe Texas.

We’ve made plans. I will not have my kids this weekend and he and I are going to hang out. I’m super excited but not setting any expectations.

To be honest he’s the easiest person to talk to and has the qualities I’ve always wanted in a man. But I’m aware I don’t know him really yet. It’s just what I do know.

I have this fear about falling and the distance thing. I’m overthinking I’m sure. But then again I also know I’ve been single and tried dating some for years and we all deserve a shot right?

Am I wrong? Is this a bad idea or an I overthinking? Thanks for reading the long post and giving me feedback on my thoughts this moment.