She’s ONE!! 😭😭😭😭


I can’t believe you are already one! This year has gone by way too quickly. I’m filled with emotions, very sad that this baby stage is over but oh so excited for all the amazing things yet to come!

I’m amazed at how you’ve grown and all the exciting new things you have learned in your first year already. We are so proud of you baby girl. This was the first year of your life and the best year of mine. It makes me a little sad to know you’re too young to remember all of the amazing memories we’ve made this past year, just know I’ll cherish them forever.

You are our everything. I can’t believe how lucky we are to call you our daughter. I hope you always know how special you are and how crazy in love we are with you. You’re a dream come true!

Happy First Birthday Kyla! 💕