Fifteen week pregnant and no sex drive

Pebbles • Due September 12 , baby girl 🎀/ 22 / Irish triplet 🍀

So I’m kind at a little bump in the road, it’s not him -he’s been extremely understanding and kind throughout this whole thing. I’m fifteen weeks and two days (tomorrow) and I have zero sex drive. I mean I get dreams about it but I don’t want it at all. Nothing, no touching and obviously no sex, and it bothers me to no end. He’s been a really good sport and SUCH a gentleman about this. I know he’s been wanting sex, he’s expressed that he wants to, but he hasn’t asked or tried anything, and I just feel so bad and I’m so frustrated with myself -to the point where I cried last night because he’s so understanding and patient. I’ve offered and said sure but he knows I’m not into it and says “its okay we’ll try a little later when your into it.” But I haven’t been into it since my last period. (We’ve had sex one time since we’ve found out, and that was about a little under a month ago.)

So has anyone experienced this, and can tell me there’s hope for my sex drive to return, or am I just kinda stuck and feeling really crappy about not being in the mood?