Just a rant

So, I met a guy who is absolutely amazing and treats me so damn well. He's a mechanic at a dealership and it just so happens that I own the same type of cars he works on. My car has SO many issues. I can't even fill it up with gas without it dying on me in traffic. It's really scary. I'm 19, but I'm independent and I pay for my car, car insurance, my phone, everything. I even pay my parents rent to live in their house. I'm in school.

Anyways, I was talking about my car and he said he would fix it for me, I would only be charged for the parts and no mechanic fees, according to the owner of the dealership since I knew his mechanic. They were very nice and helpful and I am so grateful that they did that for me. Well, the dealership is a town over. I was going to take my car and my dad said I couldn't go unless he went. He hid my car keys from me and wouldn't tell me where they were. I agreed to let him go and he argued with my boyfriend on everything. Saying things were fine with my car when they weren't. I told him to fix it and I would pay for it all. My dad argued and I was so embarrassed because they we're fixing it practically for free... And he wouldn't let me go on my own. I'm 19, I'm a big girl and my boyfriend would not screw me out of money. I'm saving up to move away but I just needed to vent. I was so angry and embarrassed.