I can't take much more. Please help.

We are on our 14th month of TTC and got my 14th (actually it's more because I POAS a few times each month) BFN! Three failed IUIs. Besides being so depressed, we were told that if this cycle didn't work then <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> would be our ONLY option! I can't take it. I'm the one that is always a cheerleader for everyone else but right now I need some encouragement and help. 
I'm losing the strength to be optimistic and it's scaring me. I'm not usually one to quit but my stomach is sick with heartache. <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> being our only option is so hard to hear (husband has had several low SA's even though he's been on clomid for six months). I've never asked for help but would appreciate anyone who can relate to our situation to help give me support and strength- our journey has been so difficult in MANY ways and I need to fight to keep any hope alive😭