
Brittany • Blessed mom of three! Leaving the rest up to God!

Hello ladies! I’m looking for some help. I’m pregnant with my fourth baby, and early on have had this nagging fear or worry that I’m having twins. I say fear or worry because I have three already, and two at once makes me want to cry. Haha

So here’s my question, what were your symptoms? Did you have a larger uterus than the number of weeks you were?

I went today for my first appointment and my midwife said my uterus felt larger than a typical 12 week uterus. I told her my fears and she said it’s most likely because I’ve had 3 others, by ordered me an ultra sound anyway, she said to put my mind at ease.

Every symptoms I’ve had has been extra harsh this go around, so I’m so nervous that it’s because I have two little.

Anyway, give me all your symptoms and signs! My scan is Friday, but my mind is going to be a wreck until then. Haha

I am happy with whatever God gives our family, but I already feel overwhelmed, so I’m not trying to seem ungrateful if it were to be twins. I would just have a lot of adjusting to do.
