Should I give up or stay?!

So yesterday my child’s father told me he basically doesn’t want me to move on and be with someone else now mind you I had been with him for 8years he made a kid on me I stayed with him and accepted his son like he was mine, and everything then on top of that when we split up he got his sons mother pregnant again she is due in May and to make matters harder me and him just welcomed our son into the world February 25th,2019 this is a really tough call for me cause honestly right now he has moved in with her since we have separated but he tells me he doesn’t want to be with her and doesn’t want anything to do with her he just wants to be there for his kids with her and I’m just stuck cause that’s the dumbest shit to hear when you live with someone you cheated on me with ... but honestly out of everything that he has done to me I can still look him in the eyes an tell him I love him .. I know this is very toxic situation but for some reason my mind is saying let go but my heart is saying stay !!

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