Ovulation cramping?

Last week at work I out of nowhere started having extremely bad stomach pain! It was so bad I couldn’t stand up straight or walk properly! I’ve had quite a few bladder infections in my life and since I was feeling the frequent urination feeling I thought I had a bladder infection so I went straight to the clinic! A week later I found out there was never any bladder infection and when I followed up with my family doctor she thinks since all this was happening in the middle of my cycle I was experiencing ovulation cramping. I’ve never had bad cramping with periods before and especially never anything like the pain I felt last week! This month I have not been on birth control because I messed up my pack so I decided to wait and start fresh during my next period. Could the imbalance in hormones really cause that much pain? I’m totally fine now the pain went away after just a few hours that day! I’ve had no problems since. Has anyone ever experienced this? My period is due in a week or less as of today!