Pitbull owners!

Hey guys! So I'm in the process of convincing SO that we need another dog, and my birthday is in November so I'm hoping to get one for my birthday. Here's my situation, I absolutely LOVE pitbulls but I already have a little mini dachshund and I'm worried about that. My mom has a boxer that my doxie loves and they are best friends, so I know she is okay with large dogs. But I'm worried about having a bull and it not having the right disposition to grow up with a small dog. So I'm wondering, do you bully owners have small dogs as well? How do they get along? My uncle rescues pitbulls and they are all complete sweethearts but I kind of want to get a puppy so he/she can grow up with my dachshund and learn how to act around small dogs. Sorry I started rambling, any information or advice is welcome!