Astrid Annmarie 💕💕 my little bundle of joy

Parker • 18 💞 Astrid’s mama 💕

Alright so I figured I’d share my birth story! I wanna write it all down before I lose it! March 20th I woke up around 4am after hardly getting any sleep all night. I keep waking up feeling like I had to poop but nothing was happening. So finally I realized I was having contractions haha! They were every 5 minutes for a minute each. I headed to the hospital around 5am. I had been 90% effaced and 3-4cm dilated at my doctors appt a week prior. When I got to the hospital they had me walk a little longer, about an hour and they checked me I was 5cm! So they admitted me 😄😄 the contractions honestly weren’t too bad for me. Around 7cm (12:30pmish) I decided to get the iv medication because I wanted to stay ahead of the pain. I’m not sure if it slowed my progress down or my body just couldn’t progress since my water wasn’t broke but it put me to sleep for about 2 hours. I could still feel the contractions but they werent bad, just like a small stomach ache. When I got up around 2:30pm the medication had worn off completely, I walked for half an hour and they checked me again I was still 7cm so the doctor broke my water at 3:04pm. That’s when everything got SO real!!!!! My contractions started immediately about every 2 minutes and I had so much pressure in my butt and back I couldn’t sit or lay, the only thing that helped me through it was leaning against my partner and swaying my hips but these contractions were nothing like the ones before!!! It felt my my entire pelvis was splitting in two!! Well, I went from 7cm to 9.5cm in an hour and I HAD to push!! I was screaming and crying lol they laid me down and had me start pushing. Within half an hour she was here! Born at 4:43pm March 20, 2019. She was 6lbs 9oz and 19 and a half inches long.

She was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck so she didn’t cry or breathe when she first was born, I didn’t even know her head was out til the rest of her came out but they rushed her over to the warmer and within a few minutes I heard her first cry! I was bawling my eyes out begging them to tell me she was okay. Then the relief flooded and I just cried and cried! I had finally done it! She came 11 days before her due date (March 31). Idk if this actually helped but after I found out i was dilated 3-4cm at my doctors I walked at the park for an hour every night til she was born. I’m so grateful so an easy labor and delivery and for a healthy baby girl. She’s a week old now and loves to eat!! She’s definitely already growing so fast and I cant believe it.