Ftm birth story

Rebecca • Mommy to one 💙 Leonardo Antonio Arguinzoni • 3/27/19 • 7lbs 15oz • 20.5" 💙

I'll edit this later so it's more interesting but I'm so tired so for now...

My day started normal, it was Tuesday so I had my appointment at the OBGYN and she said I was 1/2 centimeter dilated. Dang. Went to Mom's and then went home before work. I have to go #2 and when I wiped, I noticed some of my mucus plug. Went to the bathroom when I got home from work and there was a little more. Whatever. I wasn't feeling 100% so I decided to eat before bed (Obie went to Charlotte with Brandon and Gibby). Made chicken, oil was nasty so I put that in the trash. Made spaghetti, sauce didn't taste right (in the fridge over a week), so tossed that. Texted Obie and asked for my usual at McDonald's. He brought that and I ate them went to bed as I was feeling Braxton Hicks (one of which made me cry out) and wanted to sleep it off. I put my Coco butter on my belly and lay down. At 10:50pm, I feel/hear a "pop" from my lower region after baby moved down there. Stand up and water gushes from me. Go to the bathroom, more comes out, then more and a little more. Called Obie upstairs and told him then called Mom and OBGYN. They tell me to go to L&D so I get dressed, put on a panty liner (spoiler: NOT ENOUGH), pack my bag and head out with Brandon following. Get to the hospital around 11:20pm-11:30pm, mom is there already and I get out of the car. IMMEDIATELY my pants are SOAKED. We go to L&D, I'm still only 1/2 centimeter so they hook the IV up and me to the machine before doing admission questions. When the doctor came in she wanted to make sure it was my water, lifted the sheet and said "oh yeah", that was funny. Checked baby and said he looks about 7.5 pounds. They decide to start me on a medicine to soften me up for up to 24 hours, but if I start progressing on my own they'll be happy and won't have to. Pitocin comes later. Get me into room 1108 by 1:00am and can't get the machine to turn on to monitor me so we have to wait for that, pillows, and I am on a clear "diet" in case of emergency surgery. Sarah might be coming. Dad knows, grandma knows, Diana knows. Texted Mel, Bri, Lexi, and Amanda. Waiting on medicine and then to hook my IV back up, super gay, contractions hurt.

Around 2:30am contractions really started to hurt and got closer so they decided to give me morphine in my butt.

About 6:10 I was 2 centimeters and 90% effaced, morphine was starting to wear off so they wanted to give me IV pain meds (yay!). No more meto-whatever to soften as I'm contracting a much on my own.

Then they gave me the epidural (at 2ish) and I lost track of time napping as they checked me again later and I was at a 6 then a little while after that I was a 9.

By 1:13 I was ready to push and at 2:13 Leo was brought into this world followed by my placenta and the doctor telling me that I had no tears!

My 7lb 15oz, 20.5 inch long baby boy❤️

Leonardo Antonio Arguinzoni💙

With Daddy

With Grandpa

And with Mommy

I need more pictures!! My tip: have someone taking pictures!! I wish I had more right now!!