Virginity & a new love interest?

I'm 15 and I think I'm ready to lose my virginity. I've just been Hornier than usual and I don't have any sex toys so I'm not completely satisfied. I'm single but I also don't want to rush into anything and end up becoming a teen mom (I don't have anything against teen mothers!). I want to enjoy my first time, with someone I love and adore...but I've kinda had the hots for my new teacher lately. I know it's wrong but I see him staring at me sometimes and I just can't stop thinking about him. It's not like he's 50 years older than I am. He's 28 but I don't want to be misguided and make a fool of myself. It sucks because Im a little more mature than everyone else my age and I'm interested in older guys. Any help!!!!??