Finding motivation and time


I want to get into shape so badly. I do not live near a gym, so that is not helpful. I do better when I pay for a membership, I feel I have to go. I used to be in great shape, I worked out, I ran, I enjoyed it. But it is too much of a drive to go to a gym. I work at a physically demanding and stressful job every day, so it drains me. When I get home from work with my 2 year old I play outside with him until my husband gets home at 5. By then we do dinner and showers, then it is late and I am done mentally and physically. We do not have room in our house for any exercise equipment. I say I will take a walk when I get home, I live right up the road from a nice trail. I am just so unmotivated and make excuses. I just feel really shitty about myself and my mental health right now. Something needs to happen. How do you ladies get yourselves motivated? I am not overweight but I am not in shape and do just do not feel healthy. I downloaded the 30 Day Fitness Challenge, but I have a hard time even getting to that every night. It sucks. Any advice?