Threesome 👩👩👱‍♂️

So here’s the thing..

I’m a pansexual girl in a relationship with a straight guy. I am so happy and sexually satisfied in my relationship but recently I’ve been really really wanting to have sex with a girl. I’ve also always wanted to have a threesome, but I know I’d get soooo jealous if my bf were fucking another girl.

This is all hypothetical bc I don’t think my bf would even agree to one, but would it be weird to have a threesome where a girl and a guy we’re just sharing me? Like he fucks me while I eat her out or she eats me out while I go down on him...? I’m just wondering if that’s weird.

I would also be down for a guy/guy/girl threesome honestly... as long as I’m not expected to do anal 🙅‍♀️

Anyone on here have any threesome stories?