I need to brag a little bit...


Let me start off by saying that I'm only bragging here because I have no one else to brag to.. 😂

I also actually have no idea if my son is technically ahead or anything. I'm just SUPER proud of him.

Anyway lol. My little guy turned 2 on December 8th. He now knows ALL of his ABC's and all of his numbers 1-10. If he sees any letters or numbers he gets so excited to show them to us. He says please, thank you, your welcome, and excuse me. He covers his mouth when he coughs or sneezes. He speaks full sentences now. And he is peeing in the potty!!! I'm just honestly so proud and amazed at him. My in laws always talked about how smart my step son is (he really is super smart) and how my son would end up being a dumb football player or something (not their exact words but that's what they meant) so I'm so proud of him for showing everyone how smart he can be. He's my first so I didn't know when to expect all these things to happen. I just love him so much.