What if they’re disappointed?

I’m not sure what I’m looking for with this post, support or words of encouragement maybe? I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and/or chime in. ❤️

Backstory, I’m a busy mama of two who has been working for the past two years to complete my nursing school pre-requisites. I (thought) that I had it in the bag as I finished most classes with A’s, but recently found out that I did not get in this time for the upcoming school year. This, of course, was devastating but was not the end for me. I will become a Registered Nurse one day.

Since I have another year before I could apply again, I was going to retake a few of the classes that I had gotten lower grades in and get a job in the medical field for more experience. This was the plan that I felt okay about until an opportunity arose for me to be a gestational carrier... something I have always wanted to do.

This would set nursing school back for 2 years or so but I can’t help but feel like it’s the right thing to do for both me and my family. My reason being is that I could retake those classes and focus on them without stressing on time, but also because the compensation from being a surrogate would help my family tremendously. We’ve been wanting to buy a house for years, but every time we save up enough for a down payment- something always goes wrong. Also, the extra money could help get me through school, one less thing for my husband to have to worry about since we’re a single income family.

I just fear that my family will be disappointed in me if I choose to not apply for the program again in the new year. But the way I see it, I’m 25.. there’s plenty of time for me to become a nurse.