Epidural didn’t work for pushing! RAW PHOTOS

Rayanna • Mom to Lexa💖

Finally I have time to tell my birth story! At 37 weeks 2 days I went into labor & delivery at 3:30am due to painful contractions. Around 7:30am we got discharged since I was only 1 cm dilated. I was dehydrated so I got IV fluids & my contractions went away. After getting home I cleaned the house up a bit and finally laid down for bed at 9:30am. An hour later at 10:30 I woke up to pee & after peeing a gush of fluid came out of me. I was so confused! Thinking maybe I just peed more I wiped myself & got up. Immediately I started leaking more fluid and it was down my legs. I immediately realized it was my water that broke and called my boyfriend, who was sleeping, into the bathroom. After a quick call to triage we were on our way to have a baby! Since I was still only 1cm they started to give me pitocin. The contractions came on strong & fast! I was planning on an all natural birth but induced contractions are really something else. After a few hours of contractions I was 4cm dilated and I asked for some pain meds but NOT an epidural. After 2 more hours of contractions I was still in pain so I gave into an epidural. It worked immediately and felt great. I didn’t feel a thing. Thinking I was getting close to labor they told me not to expect anything to happen fast. Since she was my first baby I would be in labor probably for 24-48 hours. Around 9:00pm the same day they checked and I was suddenly 10cm. My epidural worked great up until this point. I asked the nurse to check me because I was in intense pain feeling like she was going to fall out. Sure enough it was time to push. For some reason the epidural didn’t work for my pushing so I felt EVERYTHING. I knew when to push, felt the ring of fire, felt her head moving slowly. After only an hour of pushing my baby girl was born at 10:11pm on the SAME day my water broke. I was truly blessed with an amazing labor. It was only 12 hours long, pushed her out in an hour, didn’t poop on the table, and I only needed 2 stitches! At 37 weeks 2 days Lexa Ray was born weighing 6lbs 11oz & 19 inches long. It’s been a tiring past 5 days but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.💖