Our birth and pregnancy story was such a whirlwind

Our birth and pregnancy story was such a whirlwind. When I became pregnant I had already had two previous misscariges. My first miscarriage was at 12 weeks and due to chromosomal disorder called Turner's syndrome. My second miscarriage was at 9 weeks and due to the baby having three extra chromesomes. It had been 4 years since my misscariges. I was just about to start graduate school when my boyfriend and I decided to make a surprise trip to Las Vegas before I started school. I was supposed to put on my birth control patch the morning we left but I had forgotten. A couple weeks after we returned from vacation I had my yearly pap smear scheduled. It was at that appointment that I found out that I was pregnant! Total Shocker! Everything went beautifully with the pregnancy. We found out we were having a little boy. In my 38th week of pregnancy, the one week my doctor was on vacation, I started having horrible headaches. I checked my blood pressure and it was in the 150s/100s range. When I saw a stand-in doctor that week she decided that I needed my blood pressure monitored and sent me to Labor & Delivery. From here they found that my blood pressure were running 180s/100s consistently. The decision was made that I was going to be induced. To get my blood pressur under control they started me on magnesium sulfate. I was given medication to stoften my cervix and start contractions. The day after being admitted they broke my water. From here my contractions got really intense and I opted for the epidural. I was still on magnesium when I decided the episdural and my blood pressure started plummeting. For hours they gave me doses of Epi to get my blood pressure over 100/40 but they just kept tanking over and over. The decision was made to take me off of the magnesium and then things got better. My blood pressures started around 100/40 and I was able to continue on with labor. I dilated quickly and within a couple hours we were pushing! I pushed 10 times om the course of 30 minutes and my son was born as healthy as could be! We are still battling some high blood pressures for me right now but my son is so beautiful and healthy. He was worth every single moment. Rhyus Godric Casner born March 28th 2019 at 5:01pm.