Long birth story


Now that we've gotten into the swing of things and no one is sick, I think it's time to post my story.

This is baby girl number 2 for my husband and I. Pregnancy was what we called boring just like my first. No morning sickness, no gestational diabetes, nothing. But still a very different pregnancy. Baby girl #2 moved a lot more and I was measuring almost a week ahead the whole pregnancy. We thought that she might actually arrive early due to size but ended up actually being a week and 2 days late.

I had been having Braxton hicks and slight contractions since 36 weeks. It would start getting serious and lasting a while then they'd stop. At 40 weeks (Jan 27th) baby girl still hadn't come and I was about 3cm dilated and had my membranes stripped. I started having contractions but the same as any other day they slowed and stopped. 41 weeks came and I had a NST and ultrasound to check on baby girl, she was as cozy as could be and doing fine. My doctor stripped my membranes again I was 4cm dilated, I started having contractions and again like days before slowed and stopped. I was scheduled to be induced the following day (41+2) at 830am. So that evening we took our 3yr old outside to play in the rain and splash in the puddles, some last min fun just the 3 of us. Well we went to bed and I woke up at 3am to a pop feeling and thought my husband kneed me in the butt (like he has before). I had felt some fluid leak and thought I peed myself. I got up to go to the bathroom only for more fluid to leak. I get to the bathroom and go pee, then as I was leaving the bathroom I started having strong contractions and realized that my water broke. I told my husband and he sat right up and looked a bit panicked. I told him to relax and go back to sleep. My labour with my first lasted almost 19hrs start to finish due to epidural slowing progress, so I figured this one would take a bit also. Well I was wrong. My first 4 contractions were 7½ mins apart. In that time I had gotten in the shower to help ease the pain, and husband came to check on me and called my mom to come stay with our 3yr old, and my next 2 contraction at that time was 4½ mins behind the last and decided to start getting ready to head to the hospital 15 mins away. When my mom finally got here we were passing in the parking lot of our complex and my contractions were 2½ mins apart. By now it's 445am. We get to the hospital and into triage, I'm 8cm dilated. They hurry and get me upstairs, where the doctor was sitting on the end of the bed waiting. They get me in the bed between contractions that weren't really going away. The doctor checks me and I'm 10cm dilated. No time for an epidural only fentanyl (which did nothing) and pushed baby girl out in about 20mins. Zoe Evelyn was born Feb 5th at 534am. 8lbs 3oz 20½inches long. In the process she had gotten stuck and had the cord up over her shoulder. The doctor was going to use the vacuum to assist getting her out but it wouldn't stick. We did our minimum 24 hrs in the hospital and came home.

Baby girl is doing great, she's nursing like a champ and growing fast. She's so much more mellow then my first and loves her sister.

Birth ^

First day home with sister ^

7weeks, 11lbs 3oz^

If you made it to the end, thank you for enduring my long winded story!