Over due


My due date was February 5th but my baby was still cooking in the oven 🤣 .I didn’t even have contractions until 3 days after my original due date . My doctor put an order in for an induction on February 12th but never made it . Monday morning February 11th 12:35 in the morning my water bag broke and I was laying in bed !!!! Smh I wasn’t panicking or nothing (btw this is my first pregnancy) I just woke up my peacefully sleeping boyfriend and told him my bag broke he really thought I pissed on my self 😕 but when I got to the hospital I was 4 cm dilated in labor over 12 hours I made it to 7cm until the pain was overwhelming 😕😭 I got all the medicine I needed I was going to push but my baby was sunny side up and her head was down but she kept hitting my pelvic area so they order a csection had extremely back pain because of the way she was positioned 😩 then at 9:38 am on February 12th my baby girl Aaralyn Alivia was born 8lbs 2oz and 22 1/4 inches long 😩 I’m so in love with my baby girl