Birth Story


So it’s been 6 weeks of pretty smooth sailing and I thought I’d share my birth story.

So my due date was February 10 and as it is for more first time moms it came and went😩 as you can imagine I was completely over being pregnant pass my due date with no signs of labor at ALL. I had an appointment scheduled for the 12, I went it as usual for my check up doctor said everything looks great she swept my membranes again for the second time to hopefully get things moving faster but they weren’t really worried because I wasn’t technically past due but I had been leaking a very little for a couple of days so they sent me for a stress test and an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid just to be safe. So after the results of the stress test came back everything looked great baby was great I was great (and tired lol) but the fluid was lower than they’d hoped so my doctor sent me home with an appointment to come back in 3 days. As the day progressed my contractions started to pick up and I started to notice a little blood every time I went to the bathroom by 1:30am I couldn’t sleep so I go into my parents room and my mom gives me some sleeping pills to help me sleep, she said that it would be a while till the baby would be here lol needless to say I couldn’t sleep.

So I’m walking throughout the house until about 7 when my mom gets up and she’s like ok let’s time them and if their consistent for an hour then we’ll go in, around 8:30-9 they get stronger and closer together so she’s like we could go in or we could wait it out a little more so I tell her about the blood which at this point is worrying me because it hasn’t gone away yet. So she takes me to the hospital immediately, we get there they hook me up and I’m about 3 1/2 cm dialated and still not ready to go in but the baby’s heart rate is a little lower then they’d like so they gave me fluids by 12 they decided to admit me my contractions are getting stronger and closer together but for some reason not dialating me so they gave me pitocin. I held out until about 5cm then I got an epidural which allowed me to get in a good 45min of sleep before shooting pain erupt on my lower half the nurse comes rushing in confused beyond shouldn’t feel any pain turns out it’s time to push after about 30min of pushing at 7:30pm on February 13 my little guy came into this world at 8lbs 2oz ripped me pretty good lol.

My love❤️❤️