When there is no time for drugs, so you bite your husband...


I loved reading birth stories and want to share mine. So here is a back story, this is my 3rd pregnancy. I had drugs on my iv with my 1st and lasted 10 hours in labor. With my 2nd I end up getting epidural with my son who was 4 weeks early and lasted over 10 hrs. So with this one I got induced at 39 weeks.

Well Monday at 7am we check in, pitocin starts at 7:30. We all think this is gonna be a long process, labor will take long. I came in dilated at 4 and had some Braxton hicks. The nurse said we would see how everything went and give me more pitocin it leave it at what it was. My MIL call and I tell her I'm fine, I can still talk and she says she'll be on her way in an hr or two.

My hubby and my mom were there talking to me and joking. Contractions start kicking in but I'm still ok, well around 930 I ask for drugs!!! They check and say I'm at a 6 and cant give them to me. I can get the epidural, I say no give me some time. Half an hour passes and I start crying through contractions, so I ask for the epidural. My nurse checks me real quick and says you're at a 6 -7 it will take like 15 mins to get someone. Well 5 mins later the anesthesiologist comes in and starts prepping, he asks for me to sign paperwork. Then a huge contraction & this feeling of pushing comes to me. I feel like I have the biggest poop and I know this is it. I start teling them shes coming, they said to lay down but I am in so much pain that I cant. After couple minutes I just lay down, they check and say shes coming my dr wasnt there yet.

Nurses start running in, my awesome husband is holding me and telling me to breath and I needed to calm. I am crying and telling them I cant. My Dr. walks in and has time to only put gloves on. I dont remember everything except me telling them to get her out lol.... hubby says it took 3 pushes, me hugging him so tight and in btw I bit him 😧😳 but my little one came out. I had no time to use the birthing ball, the shower, the drugs or anything. I have no idea how I did it honestly!!! I know having my husband there for me was the biggest help, I couldn't of done it with out him.

Victoria Mae 7lbs 2oz is here! And I'm in love!! Thank you for reading yall!!!