Today we had our scheduled csection and got to meet our little boy

Today we had our scheduled csection and got to meet our little boy. Unfortunately things did not go as well as I had hoped. Our first child was a csection and ended up in nicu for two weeks. This time my spinal block/epidural failed and I had to be put under. Right after I was put under I needed assistance breathing. My poor husband was waiting outside of the OR when every light went off and a million doctors/nurses came rushing in. They made him go back to the room. I was in the OR for another hour before I was wheeled to recovery. Our baby boy had problems with his blood sugar and had to be monitored for awhile. Coming out of anisthesia was awful.....I felt like I couldn’t breath (I was) and I was so worried about the baby. Luckily we are both doing much better and are currently on the mother/baby wing. I’m having a hard time sleeping only cause I want to keep checking the baby. I wouldn’t trade him for the world but I am extremely glad I decided to have my tubes removed this time. I’m done with difficult births!