Not the birth I ever anticipated


what a time I’ve had the past few - I’ve finally had our little fella he’s amazing, I had him 10 days past his due date. He’s 7lb 7oz. Our little Noah Jonahs


Came in on Tuesday 26th to be induced at Durham hospital at 4pm got myself checked and my body wasn’t ready so I had the hormone tablets - I could have up to 4 of these and it took all 4 to get myself to 1cm and favourable. Had hours wait in between them. It was like 4 hours then for the next lot 12 hours and the final after 6 hours. This only got my to 1cm the whole time so not much was progressing. So 2 days had passed to get to this stage. If I’m being honest I had totally prepared my self for a C section - which is funny because I always used to say I would hate one and it would be my worst nightmare but I got my head round it. I’d been in 3 days after I had all my tablets and a check to see what the situation was yesterday morning. To my shock the consultant said to me she could break my waters and that I was favourable. So that was nice thinking well I have a shot a lot the more natural birth. So after much waiting around I finally got to the labour ward at 5 PM - so much waiting about it was unreal. I think I must of had about 3 hours sleep while on the induction ward for 3 days very noisy and lots of big gals snoring! 😂🙄 I was lit gunna kill someone. So after more waiting I finally got my IV antibiotics set up as I was GBS + and I didn’t wanna risk passing that on. Got my Canular in and they only had the orange one - Jesus Christ man that was long 😂. After this the midwife came in with her little hook and broke my water - weirdest thing ever ! And got me set up on the hormone for the contractions! These were pretty intense from the start but bearable as I just kinda get on with stuff, so anyways on the gass and air proper loved it was having a right laugh. I am lit so so so tired so I did another thing I was so sworn against doing I thought fuck it I’m gunna just not be in any pain at all as the nurse was so keen on ramping them up anyway and I thought it’s just gunna be a long day 12 - 18 hours plus. So opted for this! Man came over and he got me on the end of the bed and attempted the epidural so eerrrr this wasn’t working for me I think he put it in and took it out 6 times the line just didn’t wanna go in the right pace 🙄 no luck eh ! Anyway so gave up and thought I’ll just deal with it ! Got the diamorphine - mint stuff apart from projectile vomiting water all over but hey hoo 😂 so 8 hours had passed ! I got a check and low and behold 1cm still !!! Felt defeated and kinda like why is my body doing this. He wasn’t not coming out that way ! They wanted me to give it another 5 hours but I just said there was no point I totally tried and I knew it wasn’t happening ! Spoken to the consultant and we decided c section it is got to plan it abit so I wasn’t like rushed in but I got taken in for that about 12:30 am. Up to theatre to get a spinal which apparently 😂 was nothing like the epidural but it was and I yet again persisted and he had 5 attempts again wasn’t happy with the fact it was going in to bloody vessels and it was kind of not going in right, so I basically just said General please 🤷🏽‍♀️ had enough lol!

Woke up at 2:17 am ! He got his first bottle and that then and I was so happy I finally had him, so happy with my decision ! 😊 he’s just the best thing to happen to me 💙