Pregnant with Twins and wanting to Abort

I just had my son 7months ago I had him at 34weeks due to me having preeclampsia and potassium issues and kidney issues. Now I am pregnant with twins. I am scared of the affect it will do to my body since I just had the scariest birth ever. Me and my SO can’t afford three kids right now I’m only 20 got pregnant at 19 with my son. I’m emotionally not ready. But my whole family and friends and very much so against abortions but my SO has been very supportive and stand by me on any decision I make. I just don’t know what to expect with aborting them im 8weeks 5days pregnant with them and I know there are people who would die just to have kids right now like my two friends who are trying. I just don’t know what to do I just need some women support that I can’t get from anyone else