I hate this feeling...

Cheyanne • 💕 23. Texas Mommy. 💕

I wish I could figure out what’s going on right now. I’m 37+2, 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, baby was in station -2 as of 3 days ago and I’m feeling like absolute shit. I’ve had SO many signs of labor coming soon, such as losing the mucus plug/several occasions where it was bloody(bloody show) and loose bowels/more frequent bowel movements and so on. I’m also feeling sick, like nauseous and I’ve thrown up several times. I’m having slight menstrual cramps and just an all over achy feeling. I am freaking exhausted, I got plenty of sleep but it’s almost like I can’t get enough. My hips and tailbone are hurting so bad so I’ve been walking and trying to stay active. I’m also insanely emotional/irritated today and I was yesterday too. I’m am so aggravated at everything and it’s pissing me off even more because I can’t do anything about it. I HATE feeling pissed off all the time, I hate being pregnant and I hate feeling all of the shitty pregnancy symptoms. I’m just ready to have this baby so that I can feel comfortable again. I’m SO uncomfortable all the time. I still work(as a waitress) and I hate it because when I’m in moods like this, I have to put on a fake bullshit front just to seem “normal”. I really hope that all of these symptoms means that labor is definitely near but for some reason I’m feeling like it’s not and that I’ll get my hopes up if I continue to be “positive”. PLEASE send good vibes my way, and IF you have any positive experiences with any of these symptoms meaning labor, PLEASE SHARE. I’m trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel but it’s getting harder to see.😩😓