Arianna Sky 🌸💖


37+6 weeks I Went into labor at 2:30am I was laying down in bed getting ready to fall asleep when I feel a pop and gush grab my phone and I see fluid. Thinking great maybe I peed myself as I make my way to the edge of the bed more fluid starts pouring out. So I make my way to the bathroom and sit on the toilet check the fluid and it’s clear I get up fluid still leaking as I’m on the phone with my Obgyn. Start to mentally prepare myself this is probably it. Get to the hospital by 3:30am get checked and sure enough my water broke. It hit me at that moment baby girl was making her way slowly but surely. When I was admitted I was 2 1/2cm dilated got checked at 5am again and only dilated to a 3cm got rechecked at 6am and still the same so we started pitocin at 7am. Contractions slowly got more intense and frequent. I told myself I didn’t want to get an epidural. So I opted for iv medication when I was at 5-6 cm dilated which allowed me to take a nice nap and relax before shit got real. After I woke up from my nap it all changed I started feeling everything I was to the point of tears and wanted that epidural. While waiting for the lovely epidural I started to feel the back contractions and intense abdominal contractions and the feeling to poop. I remember telling my mom I can’t do it I feel like I need to push call the nurse. My mom and sister told me that’s normal it’s the baby coming down getting in position. I told them they’re crazy I need to push call the nurse. Sure enough I was at a full 10 cm and ready to push as the lovely epidural comes through the door. Not sure what time I started pushing felt like a short while. At 2:41pm my sweet baby girl made her entrance into the world. I got to pull her out and lay her on me and start skin to skin. As a FTM I didn’t know what to expect but keep hearing people tell me all kind of things and stories. Was I scared hell yeah I was but I focused on my finally getting to meeting my little girl that’s what got me through the pain. Sitting here a week later and dealing with more body changes and the journey of breastfeeding. I can honestly say I’d do it all over again for her. We are so in love and enjoying every little bit of our new journey as parents with our sweet girl born March 22nd at 2:41pm weighing 5lbs 15 oz and 18.5 in length
