2 Birth stories years later... pretty long!

BonQuiQui • I’m blunt with my words, I don’t like animals get over it☺️

Here we go stay with me ok...

I found out I was pregnant at 21 years old. When I was 15 weeks I was told it was a girl, fast forward a few weeks we decided on a name Haley noelle. I went and had my 22 week ultrasound sound and not only found out SHE was actually a HE we found out he could have issues. 24 weeks we went by and go to see a specialist; now just imagine being 21 years old going through this, we sat down nervously looking at the specialist wondering what he was gonna tell us. He sighed looked down at my ultrasound results; looked back up and said “your baby has club feet and that is associated with Down syndrome.” I just froze, I looked at my boyfriend then back at the doctor and said “what do we do from here?.” He said “you have two options the first one is termination which would be the best since you are young or you could have him and let him live with this disability”. I said “I choose the second” he asked “you would let him live like this?”. I replied “live like what? a happy life because he’ll have two parents that love him no matter what?” I might e young but I’m not selfish got up and walked out.

Fast forward to October 17th; my mom flew in from Pennsylvania and we picked her up from the airport. She went with me on the 18th at 4 PM to my last doctor visit, they swept my membranes to see if they can get my water to break since they didn’t want me to go over my due date because I had gestational diabetes and they said he would be over 10 pounds. The 19th at 9 AM I’m laying in bed talking to my boyfriend about taking my sister to get a costume and all of a sudden I feel a “POP”! I make a noise and my boyfriend asked what was wrong I said nothing it was just my bones popping so he got up to go to the bathroom. My mom came in five minutes later and laid in bed we started talking about the day and I decided to tell her I felt a pop; her eyes widened and she says “are you sure it wasn’t your water?” I said “no I would’ve felt a gush” she said “not exactly not everyone gushes”. She had me stand up just to make sure and nothing so I sat down on my bed with my back against the wall talking to her for another five minutes. All of a sudden I felt my underwear get really wet, I stop talking and I asked my mom “is there something on my underwear?” I move my shorts to the side and her mouth drops and screams “oh my God Ericka‘s water broke” and goes running down the hallway screaming.

Fast forward a few hours and I am at the hospital getting in to my gown; My water still hasn’t gushed or anything but as soon as I laid in bed there it all comes (It felt like jelly)!

Fast forward some more hours and they start the Pitocin so my labor wouldn’t be too long but little did we know it would actually prolong my labor. After 40 hours with no epidural or meds it was time to push (they wanted me to feel everything)! After an hour of pushing he got stuck in my birthing canal and they needed to cut me from my V-A I had to have 20+ stitches. Finally after another hour he was out and perfectly healthy with no problems! You can hear my mom on the video starting crying and saying “omg he’s beautiful and his feet are fine”

On October 20th at 924 pm he was born Brayden cole 7 lbs 14 oz! He is now 5 years old!!

One more...

I struggled to get pregnant with my second we wanted our son to grow up with a sibling. After seven month I went to the OB to see what was wrong because I hadn’t started my period for almost a month and all the tests were negative. I sat in the room fidgeting because I was nervous, my previous OB told me I couldn’t have anymore kids and prescribed me Clomid; I didn’t believe him which is why I didn’t take the meds and made an appointment with a new ob. The doctor comes in, sits down and asks me why I was there. I told her my whole story from The beginning of trying to conceive she asked me if I took the clomid and I said no I didn’t believe him so I tossed it; she smiles and says “good because it would have hurt the baby you’re pregnant”. I sat in my chair and started crying; I had her show me the test because I didn’t believe her I had so many negatives and a few false positives. She shows it to me low and behold two beautiful red lines she sends me over to get blood work done and that too comes back positive.

Fast forward to 16 weeks we find out our Son is getting a baby sister. She put me through hell during the pregnancy, she made it to where I couldn’t walk, get out of bed, and take care of her brother I hurt so bad. After crying and convincing my doctor he agreed to induce me at 39 weeks, May 31st came and It’s finally time to have her I get to the hospital at 8 AM sharp. After prepping they gave me a pill and it started my contractions 15 minutes later not too intense but uncomfortable; two hours they give me the other half of the pill and that’s when my labor got really started. 6pm rolls around and they finally give me the epidural it was a lifesaver! Not too long later it’s time to start pushing it took me 20 minutes to push her out!

At 752 pm She was born Haley Belle at 6 lbs 11oz she is now almost 3!!