Need a starting point -exercise?


I have gained quite a bit of weight over the past few months due to being pregnant twice, and miscarrying both times. So weight from those pregnancies mixed with depressive eating and just my lifestyle in general has caused me to weigh more than I ever have in my life. I am currently 192 pounds. I weighed 180 pounds when I was full term pregnant with my son so to me this is just ridiculous 🤦🏼‍♀️ I feel so out of my element. I feel that my body is made to be around 140-150 pounds. That is my goal. But I have no idea where to even begin exercising OR trying to eat healthy. I try to make healthy dishes but it is hard for me to come up with different recipes. I also work at a fast food restaurant and I eat there almost every day. I need some advice on where to start pleeeeaaase.