Stupid question...

Ok so heres the deal I had a miscarriage on June 25 (actually lost my job for missing work but that's a whole other topic) and then had a normal period. Then this last period in august lasted 10 days. I'm truly under the impression I can't have a little one as the past two times I've been pregnant I have had no signs no symptoms and then miscarried. Well tonight I'm laying here and out of nowhere I have a slight cramp followed by a light headache and nausea. So for the fun of it I looked up to see if I was pregnant how far along I would be. Well looking at the date of conception I was like oh wow I defiantly had sex that day then I checked to see what day implantation would start and to my amazement today would be the start date of implantation ( I know it varies from woman to woman just was like wow) so my question is this besides the implantation bleeding which I haven't had yet, did any ladies experience any type of symptoms that they didn't expect to with implantation? I'm not getting any hopes up and I know that the best way to know is to take a test I was just curious if anyone had a similar situation during implantation 😄