My Birth Story: No Warnings & Annoying Prodromal Labor

Sydney • Married to the love of my life and proud mommy of Ava Noel 💜💙 baby #2 coming 8/2020!

I finally get to tell my birth story, and I’m SO excited!

It all started on 2/25/19 at around 2:15am, when I woke up in horrific pain from contractions. I figured it was just stronger than normal Braxton Hicks, so I thought little of it and tried to sleep. Come morning, I was getting excited because I was still feeling contractions, but they were about 7-8 minutes apart. The contractions continued until about 11am that day, then stopped suddenly. I was sad but figured it wasn’t time, and didn’t think much of it.

Then, around 2:15am on 2/26/19, the contractions started again. This time, they were way more intense, but still about 7-9 minutes apart. I figured they’d stop like the day before and didn’t want to get my hopes up. Come 11am, however, they didn’t stop. Queue the excitement again! They grew more intense with time. By evening, I was in excruciating pain, so we decided to head to the hospital. After an overnight evaluation, around 6am on 2/27/19, the nurse told me I was only 80% effaced and 1cm dilated, so I needed to go home. That was SO discouraging and defeating, but what could we do?

We went home and I continued to have contractions at about 7-9 minutes apart; they were growing more painful, but not closer together. Finally, around 11:30-12pm on 2/27, the contractions were 4-6 minutes apart and to the point where I felt I couldn’t breathe. My mom and husband took me back to the hospital, and sure enough, I had become 100% effaced and 4cm dilated in about 6 hours.

I was admitted right then and there! Finally, I could start getting excited! Fast forward to around 3pm when they started Pitocin (my labor had slowed down a bit), and around 6pm, I got my epidural (wonderfully welcomed at that point) and was able to rest a bit. Then, around 9pm or so that evening, the doctor broke my water and labor hit a fast track; I started pushing around 10pm, and at 11:27pm, our butthead angel was born!

I experienced no warnings before my labor started; no diarrhea, no water breaking, no mucous plug... just contractions out of nowhere! Don’t get discouraged if you’re sent home, it just means you’re one step closer to your little one!

Thank you for taking the time to read my story!

Meet Aveline Noel ❤️

6lbs 12oz

20 inches long