Natural birth ?


I’m 25 weeks (I know, a ways to go still) but I’m a planner, a to-do list writer, and a want-all-the-info kind of person. I’m also a ftm and anxious about labor, as I’m sure everyone is.

I’ve done a lotttt of reading about labor, have read through some stories on this page, and just curious if anyone has some advice or even motivation (!!!) for a ftm who really wants natural labor.

I’m not against different types of pain management, ie, drugs.. But don’t want an epidural if I can help it. I will be giving birth in a hospital, I have no choice here really, I’m high risk because of other medical issues and it’s the safest place for me and baby, in case she needs (or I need) emergency care upon birth.

I am sorry if this is asking a lot here 🙃 but I’d love some inspirational stories or advice here! Any tips? How did you get through labor?? I get a lot of people kind of knocking my decision, “oh just wait and see- you’ll want an epidural!” Or “why not use drugs? That’s what they’re there for” ..I’d love to hear some positivity for this hopeful decision.

I am signed up for childbirth classes through my hospital next month, 14 hours worth over two weekends! But like I said, I want allll of the info- and I’d love to hear from some of you mamas. How’d you get through labor naturally, or what made you make that decision to use drugs, or get an epidural? Help meee 😁😁