My baby boy is here!! ♥️♥️♥️

Natalie • 25|| Married to my best friend♥️|| Elijah 3/19 ♥️ Baby #2 11/22 || Born-again Christian||

My baby boy is here!! He was born at 4:19 pm and was an elective induction(Nothing wrong!) and everything went amazing! FTM and only pushed for 30 minutes. Total labor and delivery time from my OB breaking my water to my final push (negating the beginning of the induction process) was 8 hours! There was some fetal destress because he didn't like the contractions so his heart rate would drop but he was an absolute CHAMP!!

Barely tore and only needed one stitch. Love my little boy to absolute death and feel so blessed and honored God gave us this precious gift ♥️♥️ I'll post a more detailed story later. In the mean time going to sleep and then relish in all the baby snuggles to come 😍