So frustrated!!

I'm having a really hard time not thinking I'm pregnant. AF is 5 days late with no sign that she is visiting. I've taken 4 HPTs with nothing but a BFN. I think I would see a line but then it would go away. I'm trying really hard not get discouraged. With my first child I was 5 weeks when I finally got a BFP and it was a very faint BFP. Any words of advice or encouragement would do me some good...
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Try going to the dr for a blood test. That picks up even the most faint hcg levels! 


Christa • Sep 15, 2015
Please keep me posted!! I hope it comes back positive for you! Would make me feel better about early bfn's too! Lol


Chelsea • Sep 15, 2015
I went to the doc this morning. They did a urine test and well BFN. But she also did a blood test. Said my hormone levels could just be really low. I am praying and praying I get a good result! I won't know til tomorrow :/