First time mum - He's here!


I loved reading birth stories through my pregnancy so thought I'd share mine.

I was due on April 5th however on 26th of March I noticed movements had become a bit sluggish, usual things like drinking orange juice and sugary biscuits were not encouraging baby to move inside so I went in to maternity assessment to be checked out at 38+4.

I was hooked up to a machine to monitor fetal heart rate and contractions, everything seemed fine but this was my 3rd episode of reduced movements so I was scheduled for a growth scan the following day.

At my growth scan it was noted that there was barely any fluid around baby, however my internal exam showed my waters had not broken yet. It was then decided that I was to be induced that day. I went home to pick up my bags and returned to the hospital later at 6pm on March 27th.

I was given the 24 hour pessary at 8pm that night and settled down to try and get some rest, my partner had a bed in the corner of my induction room so he was snoring away already. Contractions started at 4am in the morning of March 28th, i walked around my room to try and help before getting in the bath for a while. The bath was magical and I felt the pain of contractions fade away. However as soon as i was out of the bath they came back with a vengeance. I asked to be checked and my cervix was at 4cm dilated at 7am, my waters had broken at some point during the night but I hadn't realised as there was barely any fluid. After being checked I was in a lot of pain so I was started on gas and air.

At 8am I was begging for an epidural as I felt I could no longer handle the pain, i was checked again at this point and my cervix had fully dialated to 10cm! No time for an epidural.

I was told to breathe through the contractions and I felt my body just start to naturally push. I felt very scared during this part, I'm not entirely sure why but all I could do was breathe the gas and air and let my body do its thing.

The doctor told me my baby was getting stressed during pushing so I needed help with suction to get him out, she then started opening the packs to do this and by the time she had finished opening the last pack he was out!

At 9.26am my baby boy came into the world, absolutely perfect. In total i was in labour with contractions for 9 and a 1/2 hours, actual pushing lasted only 12 minutes so I had a 2nd degree tear, episiotomy and stitches. All worth it for my little baby.

Finn Alan Wark born on March 28th at 9.26am weighing 8.1lbs and 53cm long 😊