The latest birth story in the history of forever


I wanted to share this forever but I never made the commitment!!!!

I was scheduled to be induced August 7, 2018, 3 days past my due date. This baby was my first and my OB didn’t want to rush things but wanted to give me a firm end in sight if I didn’t give birth by my due date.

The day before my due date (August 3) I was CONVINCED I would be giving birth on my due date. Not only was I uncomfortable AF, but I was pumping, eating pineapple, I had sex the day before my due date, I was bouncing on my yoga ball, and my husband and I were taking long walks around the apartment complex.

Well, he didn’t want to come. NOTHING worked. My husband is really big on “presents for no reason” and he had been getting me gifts through my pregnancy, so I decided to order him a push present. It was a Rogue pull-up bar and we absolutely didn’t have the hardware or tools for it, haha.

Well, it was delivered, but no baby! We went to Walmart the night before my induction to buy tools to install his gift, and I was waddling around slower than normal. My stomach felt tight but not like “contractions”, and I really just wanted to go home and sleep.

I woke up suddenly around 4 in the morning thinking my period had started because I had that “sticky gross feeling” and I immediately realized my water had broken. I went to the bathroom and kept feeling those gushes... I highly recommend Depends underwear, they are pretty small and comfortable and VERY absorbent.

I woke up my husband and we made some breakfast (in retrospect I would have eaten SO MUCH MORE)

I did my eyebrows and we left! (Yay go bag!!)

My hospital is amazing.. I walked up from the ER to triage and was immediately given a room in L&D and I felt so taken care of. My husband and I were given a few hours to walk around and if I wasn’t dilated, I would be induced.

We walked and walked and walked and I just didn’t progress. Around 1030 (6 hours after being admitted) I was given pitocin.

My contractions progressed but I dilated so slowly that I opted for the epidural. It hurt so much I didn’t think I could handle it, but after 15 min I was able to sleep.

I slept on and off for the next 12 hours. Eventually I felt my epidural wearing off, which terrified me.

I should say at this point that I unequivocally stated that I wanted to be medicated my entire pregnancy and my nurse stated that at the end I should “feel my contractions to help me push through.”

I don’t disagree with her sentiment. But a couple things- I didn’t agree to my epidural being turned off but it was. And I was told it would be turned off so I wouldn’t tear, but I tore really badly.

I pushed for 40 min and I didn’t think I’d make it but I did. I felt everything, the ring of fire, his head, his shoulders, the tearing, the stitching,..... yes I will be much more forceful with my medication next time. But I pushed through and my perfect baby was born 24 hours after my water broke.

He will and always will be worth any sacrifice, forever.

Nicolas Mateo, day 1

And now at 8 months: