Annoyed at SOs family lately😣

Lately I’ve noticed they really lack manners and it’s starting to bother me!

There’s lots of examples but this one in particular ... I got a call his niece was in the hospital not breathing well. She is 7 and has Down syndrome. Not long after I contacted her mother they said they were being sent home that all is fine.

That same day SO brought my son to go visit her and make sure they were ok. (Against my better judgement he went)

Anywayyyyy, fast forward to yesterday/ today. My sons got a fever and developed a horrible cough- it’s like deep in his lungs and worrying me. I might take him in the doctors today.

I then send a message to his niece’s mother asking how they are all doing. She proceeds to say “ the strep throat isn’t contagious anymore and wearing off.”

Now I’m freaking out.. thinking my son has caught strep from them! NO ONE told us that was the reason she was in the hospital. I’m so pissed and annoyed.

His family has many children and even if I get a cold or something I let people know so no one visits or whatnot. It’s just being polite. I don’t understand how people are so rude or don’t think to tell us.

Now my poor baby is super sick 😭 I’ll be calling the doctors soon.