You're a bit young arent you?


I am 12 weeks pregnant and I decided it's time to tell my workplace, I have only been at this place for 3 weeks, however a good colleague of mine said it would be best to tell them sooner rather than later. I'm 20 years old btw.. I called my boss as instructed to tell her my amazing news and the first thing she says to me 'you're a bit young aren't you?' I was actually in shock at how rude that was

She then went on to tell me that I won't be getting maternity leave because I hadn't been there for a year!!! Which I replied with well you should learn the law..

She then back tracked and said she meant something else.

Then she asked me if this baby was planned or not. I said yes and she repeated the words young and planned for about a minute!

Then! She tried to make me feel guilty for being pregnant by saying ' well now we have to think about hiring someone to cover you while you are on leave and that just causes lots of stress for everyone and what if we really like this person and then have the get rid of them'

Then the best thing of all! This bitch said to me.. ' are you coming back? ' I said yes obviously I'll be 22 when im due to go back I'll need a job.. she said ' we aren't going to keep you if you just won't come back ' I continuoslly said I am coming BACK! she then said maybe you should speak to your partner and then decide if you are.. BITCH LISTEN IM COMING BACK!!

I am so angry at all of this and feel so discriminated against! Just last week my trainer had the entire week off and I had to keep the whole company a float!

I feel like I have no job security at all!!