28 weeks pregnant and aweful cramping


Hi ladies, I am 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and for the past couple of days I've been feeling this aweful cramping, it is so painful it actually takes my breath away, they are not consistent though. This is my second, and never felt it with my first (I know each pregnancy is different) but this is why I'm asking as this is my first time feeling it. It feels like bad period cramps and stays for like 30 to 40 seconds, but then I may not have more for hours and then again. Are these the Braxton hicks? Or just normal cramps? I have a midwife appt tomorrow, but just wanted to know if any body felt it before. I had a csection with my first, and was hoping to try for a VBAC on this one, could this cramps be due to the csection scar?