Advice on night weaning

Hey milky moms, I’m looking for some advice on night weaning my daughter. She’s almost a year old so I know she doesn’t need night feedings (she also gets plenty of food and milk during the day.)

My issues is that it’s so much easier to get her back to bed if I give in and feed her. She typically only gets up once a night, occasionally more if she’s teething or doesn’t feel good. I’m fine with getting up with her and comforting her, but I don’t want her to need the boob every time.

When I have tried before, she’ll settle and fall back asleep but then wakes up again less than a half hour later and does this repeatedly until I end up giving in and feeding her. My husband has tried going in since he doesn’t have milk and she does the same thing for him. I know most people would say just don’t give in, but it’s so hard in the middle of the night when I have to work in the morning and need my sleep and she’s been up 3-4 times within a 2 hour span.

Anyone have any advice on how to get her to not need night feedings or have any personal experience you want to share of what worked for you?