Lost my mojo

So...about 2 years ago I had an operation to remove my gallbladder as I was at risk of Cancer...then this year I found out I have Polycystic Ovaries (I have a big fear of anything impacting my fertility, really wanna have a baby of my own one day) so I gained 2 stone (not sure what this is in Kilos)

I had a few important people pass away and for some reason this just brought up lots of traumatic memories that I had suppressed...

So it has started to impact my relationship because I’m not as confident because of the weight gain and my mental health is just suffering.

I’m on antidepressants...but I just feel myself drifting away from my boyfriend of 2 years...but I love him, so I wanna bring my confidence back...I don’t flirt, I don’t feel I have the confidence to do so...

I have lost my mojo and want it back!

Any tips on how I can feel sexy again...

I have put on so much weight:

Me 2 years ago when I was skinny: