

I’m going to keep this as brief as possible. My daughter will 8 months at the end of the month. We have breastfed since the start. I went back to work 12 weeks pp and did the whole pumping full time and nursing when I was with her. Now about two months ago I went from 40 to 20 hours. I only work 3-4 days a week. When I’m at work since it’s such a short period of time I find myself going longer between pumps and I also find myself since I’m not on a set schedule forgetting my pump 🤦🏻‍♀️. So some days I’ll go 4-6 hours without pumping and days like today when I forgot my pump I’m going 9 hours 😭. This is terrible. I have a decent supply and freezer stash. 6 months was my main goal but I really want her to self wean. I have tried to pump more regularly and not forget my pump but it keeps happening. I hand express when I forget my pump but I don’t feel like it does as much + I can’t really collect the milk. So part of me knows in the next four months odds are I might find myself having to supplement formula. Which doesn’t break my heart as much as it use to. I just wanna know how do you even go about introducing formula to a baby or if y’all even think it’ll come to that point. I am still taking fenugreek and blessed thistle and even after one day with my daughter just nursing I notice my supply is fine. Also my daughter only nurses every 3 hours anyways even when I’m with her, her morning and night sessions are the biggest and right before and after naps are the next biggest. Other than that she just hops on for a minute here and there during the day. Part of me is over the constant worry of my supply but I’m not ready to be done with out breastfeeding journey. Tips/advice/kind words would all be appreciated. 💛